Monday, October 27, 2008

Having Thrown the Kitchen Sink, the GOP Scrounges for Lighting Fixtures and Doorknobs

Eight days till Election Day . . . nothing is working . . . so time to play the race card. Again. Today. But, wait a sec, y'all, this is the ULTIMATE race card. (Seriously, though, how many race cards can the GOP have in their deck? Surely there are some hearts or diamonds in there somewhere?)

Check it:

Here's my question: Whose mind is this going to change?

If you already knew about Rev. Wright, this is old news.

If you didn't know about Rev. Wright, and you already decided to vote for Obama, are you going to change your mind for this reason? Hard to see -- especially if you made that choice in spite of being someone who openly says "nigger" to strangers.

If you didn't know about Rev. Wright, and you hadn't made up your mind, perhaps you would be affected. Point taken. But now you've set up Sen. Obama to explain to all those ignorant folk how Rev. Wright does not speak to him, and tell them all about his own Christian faith. As he is, ya know, an African American Christian, and not an Arab Muslim. (And thanks to the GOP for giving Obama this assist late in the game.)

Bigger problem: If you've already lost a good portion of crackers who'll be "voting for the nigger," you might want to check that deck again.

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