Saturday, December 15, 2007

Home for the Holidays

It's been a very busy week here, as I've tried to progress through the second half of the new play. I got stuck a bit on a scene where two characters meet, both expecting to have sex, although one of them doesn't really want to. It just didn't work. I had to rework it, rework it again, and then a bit more, and now I think I have a failed adultery scene that clicks. On so many levels.

Still a few more scenes to write, so I'll be doing those back on the home front.

I leave tomorrow morning, out of Gatwick, connecting through Newark. We were worried about the weather situation, but looks like Newark will be clear. Back home, we may have some bad flurries, but I should be able to land, anyway.

I'm really looking forward to some time away. Be good to see the family -- and sounds like I may actually see the whole family -- potentially all my first cousins and aunts and uncles on both sides (which has never happened before). I'm going to make loads of Christmas cookies (I love baking) and I'm told we will put up my Christmas tree (the one from my apartment) in the dining room. All the ornaments have a sort of burnished 1950s glow to them. Very Imitation of Life. Love that tree. Once again, my mom will be like Laura Bush, so many Christmas trees in her house!

I'd hoped to make a side trip to NYC or Chicago, but those options haven't panned out. Looks like I will go to Pittsburgh to visit our office there. That sounds odd but they are comparable to us in some ways, so it will be useful to see how they handle things in my department there. Plus I'll earn some comp time! I hate the Steelers (of course) but it's always fun to see the place where the three rivers come together. And I think there's a museum I haven't yet seen . . .

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