Thursday, November 29, 2007

Douchebag vs. Douchebag

Just to be clear: I don't belong to either political party. I've been voting only for Democrats though for state and federal office for the last several years, because the Republicans (in Ohio and nationally) have been so thoroughly corrupt, and have had such thorough contempt for the people and, most offensively, our Constitution.

I don't have much love for the Democrats, though. Where the Republicans hate our Constitution and destroy our values, the Democrats are all too content to stand around and do nothing. The Republicans are like the guys that get off on gay bashing some poor innocent soul in an alley. The Democrats are like the friends of the bashers who don't participate, but also don't do anything to stop it. Profiles in courage are few and far between.

That said -- I am watching the CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate live on CNN international -- and it is a hoot! The first five minutes features Romney and Giuliani ripping into each other about who has been more lenient on illegal immigrants. Romney described NYC under Il Duce as a "sanctuary city," Giuliani then pointed out that Romney's state had "six sanctuary cities" AND Romney's own house was a "sanctuary mansion" because he had illegal Mexicans doing his yard work.

Romney responded with (the actually not that bad point) the question of whether you should be asking people to see their papers when you hire a company to fix your roof or mow your lawn and you hear "funny accents" -- however the debate is taking place in Florida, and clearly the audience thinks the answer is a resounding YES.

It's utterly brilliant. Douchebag vs. douchebag. The irony of course is that the red-meat base hates the Mexicans and wants all manner of fences built, and children deported. Gonna go a long way to electing our next Democratic president. And the GOP can begin its long sojourn in the wilderness.

But, in the meantime, I'm going to deserve some well-earned douchebaggery.

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