Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ground Rules

1. I will blog about whatever I want, whenever I want.

2. I won't blog about my job, because I really don't particularly want to.

3. I will try not to use too many adverbs. (Will have to try harder, apparently.)

4. I will blog loads about living in London, especially theatre, culture, and day-to-day life.

5. I will blog loads about the U.S., especially politics and government, which may be getting interesting again.

6. I will post pictures whenever possible, as blogs with pictures are so much more fun, aren't they?

7. I will include random Englishy in-jokes wherever possible, until I get sick of them (although my threshold for this is probably higher than yours).

8. I will add to or suspend these rules at my whim (except numbers 1 and 2).

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